Support our Mission

Children’s Bereavement Center is a volunteer-driven organization. Wherever your time and talents may be, there is a match for you to help us link hearts, mend spirits and transform lives.

As a facilitator, you will be assisting in our group activities and providing support to children/teens/young adults and/or their caregivers who are grieving the death of a loved one.

Become a Volunteer

We use a lot of supplies here at CBC-RGV and always need some help replenishing them! Please see our wish list for the items we need most. 

If you have questions about specific donations, email us or call 956-368-4065.


In-Kind Donations

Become a Potluck Partner

Sharing your time, talent, and treasures with our families!

  • Donate child-friendly hors d'oeuvre/ appetizers for approximately 40 individuals

  • Donate your time and help us prep for the evening

For more information or to sign up please contact us at 956-368-4065

The Sustaining Angels Circle is a group of charitable individuals in the Rio Grande Valley community coming together to help sustain the efforts of the Children’s Bereavement Center. Together, through their generous giving, they ensure that all children and their families in the Valley have the access to healing when they go through the death of a loved one. To learn more about our Sustaining Angel Circle Campaign, please call 956-368-4065

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Make a donation.